About Melbourne Maternal Fetal Medicine

Melbourne maternal fetal medicine is a private practice capable of caring for both women with higher needs during pregnancy and/or birth and straight forward pregnancies. Every patient is provided with individualised care. There is no one visit schedule that will be appropriate for all. Depending on pregnancy progress, some women attend several times a week as delivery approaches.

How does ‘maternal fetal medicine’ differ from ‘high risk obstetrics’?

To gain specialist recognition as an obstetrician gynaecologist, one must study for six years, in all aspects of women’s health. Dr Ini has completed placements in diabetes clinics, multiple pregnancy clinics and managed many preterm deliveries in public hospitals. All of these pregnancies are deemed ‘high risk’. Dr Ini has also spent time in infertility clinics and caring for women with cervical cancer.

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melbourne mfm about stethoscope

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RANZCOG) credentials training and certification of all specialists. The College also awards sub-speciality recognition in maternal fetal medicine (MFM), obstetric and gynecological ultrasound (COGU), oncology (CGO), infertility (CREI) and urogynecology (CU). Recognition as a subspecialist in MFM requires a minimum further two years of study, undertaken while working clinically in a tertiary hospital. Rigorous exams must be passed in ultrasound in conjunction with exams covering knowledge of the theory and evidence around maternal fetal medicine. Subspecialists in maternal fetal medicine are skilled to the highest level at ultrasound and prenatal diagnosis procedures, and typically manage the most complex cases in public tertiary hospitals.

Maternal fetal medicine specialists do not offer consultation or procedures related to gynaecology or infertility, and will refer on to colleagues as the need arises.

Dr Ini has RANZCOG recognised certification in Maternal Fetal Medicine (CMFM). She also holds a Diploma of Diagnostic Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine. Ultrasound examination is performed at each antenatal visit on a machine of similar standard to those used in obstetric and gynaecological ultrasound referral practices. This integrated approach ensures fetal growth is carefully tracked, breech babies are always identified, and placental complications are recognised early.

Dr Ini works in the public sector, in addition to working in private practice. She provides advice and second opinions for women with fetal abnormalities.

Part of the intent of maternal fetal medicine as a craft group is the expectation that we will be leaders in our field. Dr Ini has roles within the Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity, other Victorian Health department committees, or professional organisations, and works to ensure optimal care for all Victorian women. Equally she is involved in research and education to train the next generation of doctors and specialists.

melbourne mfm about ultrasound